Guitar Hour today featured Jay Hildebrand playing live in the studio. After a quick listen while taking pictures, I found myself trying to refrain from making an impulse guitar purchase. This wasn’t the first time a musical instrument has tempted me. In the fifth grade, I started playing the alto saxophone after I heard the song, “Havana,” by Kenny G. All I can remember is buying a sax at DJ’s music box in Denver, and the owner telling me that the majority of kids quit after the first year of playing. I told him that I was an exception and that I would be the next great sax player. I showed him! After two years of playing in the school band, I quit and never picked up the instrument again. Watching Jay today, it was obvious that he has a passion for playing from the quality of the sound he creates. I’m sure he never had the temptation to quit. In hindsight, maybe I should have started on the guitar? Catch Jay’s show tonight at 8pm in the Whitworth Music Building, it should be an inspired performance.

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