Friday, January 28, 2011

Voice Rejoice

Have you ever heard a recording of your own voice? If you’re anything like me, it’s reminiscent of sounding one octave lower than if you just breathed a balloon full of helium. Today, I got a chance to get in the studio and record my first promo for the station's blog. It took several days of brainstorming script ideas and searching for audio tracks to select just the right clips and finalize the promo. In the studio, it was a little nerve racking to put on the headphones and hear myself for the first time. Maybe it was the caffeinated beverage I had sitting next to me, but I couldn't refrain from speed-talking and sounding like I was a hostage forced to read a scripted plea. It wasn’t until I started enunciating all my lines, especially k-p-b-x (dot) org that it started to flow. Something about the letters “p” and “b” next to each other created issues with my tongue getting tangled. While it would have been great to do everything in one take, it was only a matter of time before practice made perfect…or so I thought. I didn't realize it, but in a span of 15 minutes we probably went through two dozen takes. Stretched thin for time, Patrick tried to make the best of it and we were able to get everything recorded that we needed for the first 15-second promo. My fears of sounding high pitched and nasally like Fran Drescher were dispelled. I have hopes for my future promos. Next time, maybe I can conjure up a deep Barry White voice. Tune in to KPBX or KSFC and maybe you can catch me in action.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Blast from the Past

I’ll admit I was a tad bit envious after stopping by the growing collection of music and videos downstairs at Spokane Public Radio. I couldn’t stop myself from flipping through the endless rows of organized vinyl records. Even though Bill Wright the Guru of donations was tired of the constant stream of staff members pursuing and parading through his organized area, I couldn’t pass up the chance to take a sneak peak at all great album art. What do Blondie, Ted Nugent, and Christmas with Johnny Mathis all have in common? Not much, except they all have outlandish album covers that are up for sale at the KPBX Recordings and Videos Sale, February 19 and 20, in the Spokane Masonic Center. Bill, in the last several days, has started to display some of the colorful, unique, and odd records on a wall in his downstairs dungeon for all of us to see. While visiting the music lair I was also amazed to see all the retro turntables, tape decks, speakers, (and something I’ve only seen in movies) a reel-to-reel tape machine. So, if you have ever thought about getting into vintage vinyl, or your looking for equipment, seize the moment to grab a turntable and some LPs for some classic listening this next month. If you’re into DVDs and videos there are plenty of those too. Are you ready music aficionados? “I got my 45 on so I can rock on” - Sheryl Crow

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bagel Burglar

Have you ever placed leftover food in the fridge for safekeeping, just to find out later someone already grabbed it? Today, a similar unjust crime occurred at the station. John a volunteer was nice enough to drop by with a spread of bagels and cream cheese. One by one in the lobby, everyone constructed a mid-morning snack. Then, it was discovered that someone left only half a bagel in the bag! Fortunately, Eckart Preu, the conductor for the Spokane Symphony, was in the studio with Verne promoting the group's upcoming concert theme, C.S.I Neurotic Composers. He sparked the idea to do some perusing and analyze the crime scene. Amid an array of cream cheese containers sat the lone half bagel in the bag. There were too many suspects, too little time. The only break in the case came when some spilled cream cheese was discovered on a desk. The sample has been sent for analysis, but meanwhile the bagel burglar remains on the loose. Who could have committed such an etiquette offense?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Revealed Resolutions

Resolution season has arrived and every year along with millions of other Americans, the staff at SPR has set their goals. While chatting with several people at the station, I discovered that even though Verne says his best resolution is not having one, Kathy did resolve to get organized and have more fun. Stephanie the volunteer coordinator has set her goal to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Unsuccessful for several years, my plan is to also get in shape and get organized. Another 2011 resolution I have is to cut back on the sweet treats. This might be a difficult goal since on my first day back from holiday break there is still candy and goodies lingering around the station. With indication that more candy canes, chocolate, and baked goods are on their way in the next few days, I might have to put off my goals for the unforeseeable future. If you have any resolutions you want to share post a comment on the blog. After being on hiatus for several weeks for the holidays the blog will return to being updated regularly. It’s been too long since the last picture of the week. With a big dump on its way, a snowy picture seemed fitting. Take a guess where it was taken. Hope everyone is having a great start to 2011!