Revealed Resolutions
Resolution season has arrived and every year along with millions of other Americans, the staff at SPR has set their goals. While chatting with several people at the station, I discovered that even though Verne says his best resolution is not having one, Kathy did resolve to get organized and have more fun. Stephanie the volunteer coordinator has set her goal to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Unsuccessful for several years, my plan is to also get in shape and get organized. Another 2011 resolution I have is to cut back on the sweet treats. This might be a difficult goal since on my first day back from holiday break there is still candy and goodies lingering around the station. With indication that more candy canes, chocolate, and baked goods are on their way in the next few days, I might have to put off my goals for the unforeseeable future. If you have any resolutions you want to share post a comment on the blog. After being on hiatus for several weeks for the holidays the blog will return to being updated regularly. It’s been too long since the last picture of the week. With a big dump on its way, a snowy picture seemed fitting. Take a guess where it was taken. Hope everyone is having a great start to 2011!
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